Home / Coolpad / Coolpad Y60 C1 Flash File (Firmware ROM)

Coolpad Y60 C1 Flash File (Firmware ROM)

Download Coolpad Y60 C1 Flash File, Stock ROM, Firmware ROM. this Coolpad Firmware file is an official original file and is in MBN extension. And the file contains a USB driver and flash tool. which describes how to flash and driver from Qfil FlashTool. Here is how to flash the Coolpad Mobile with a flash file, which is given below in full detail. How to Flash Manual.

How to Flash Coolpad Y60 C1

Download Coolpad Y60 C1 Flash File and Install Qualcomm Driver, Charge the phone 30% before flashing.

  1. First download all the files above
  2. Extract All File From Zip File.
  3. Install QPST Tool and Run Qfil.exe File
  4. Select the flat build option after the tool is open
  5. After that click on the select programmer’s path to browse and select the file “prog_emmc_firehose_8xxx.mbn”.
  6. Then click on load.xml and select the “rawprogram0” file.
  7. Then select the file patch0.
  8. After selecting all the files with the flash tool, the phone has to be connected to the tool
  9. For that, turn off the phone and press the Volume Up and Volume Down buttons simultaneously.
  10. And then connect the data cable with the phone
  11. After connecting, click on the select port in the tool and select Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008
  12. Then click on the download button. And wait till flashing.

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